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Partner Organizations Rental Requests

Facilities Requested:

As and if required in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, an insurance certificate must be on file with the Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc ten calendar days prior to the event.

HARMLESS CLAUSE: The user group or organization agrees that the Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc. shall not be held responsible for any accident or damage to person(s) and/or property which occurs as a result of a program held on the property and/or grounds of the Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc.

The user hereby agrees to pay for any damages incurred through their use of buildings or grounds.

In making this application, the user and applicant agrees to read and abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc.


The Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc. is made up of members across the Tolland County area. We always welcome new members from the community to join. Find out more here

Tolland County Agricultural Center
24 Hyde Avenue
Route 30
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 875-5714

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T: (860)-875-5714

Office hours: 9a-12p Saturdays or by appointment

All donations are tax deductible.
Tolland County Agricultural Center, Inc. 
is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code.

Enter your email below to be added to our online* newsletter:
*paper only available upon request

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